Monday, March 14, 2011

Oh Hello Clouds.

These haven't been retouched, from the summer of 2010.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Here's a few shots of work I've been doing lately.

If you'd like to use these photos, let me know, and I can fix them up for you.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

California Colour [Two]

California was an awesome place to take pictures- there was inspiration all over.
It was really nice.
I'm hoping to get some new photos, maybe ones I've taken around my hometown out, but I haven't had the chance, as I've been busy with my school work. During the summer, I'm in Nova Scotia which should have tons of inspiration and a different landscape than California to work with.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

California Colour

These are some images that I decided not to put in Black and White.
Also, still from my California visit.

Other California pictures.

More photos from my visit to California. These were considered to enter, but I decided against them.

Once again, view them full size!

California Diversity

These are a set of four photos I took during a trip to California during March of 2008.
These four were entered in an art festival, and won first for my age group.

Please click on these images and view them "full size"!

Clock Shine Photography

This blog is a portfolio for my photography.
I'm an amateur photographer, living in Canada, and I couldn't ask for a better place.
Canada is my photographers dream- here, we have everything from sea scapes to sky scrapers to prairies and forests. We've got diversity in nature and culture.